Sunday, April 27, 2008


We leave
We ride on
We move in a constant direction
Following the paths laid before us
Keeping to ourselves
Knowing that what lies ahead requires no discussion
No explanation
We are not driven by fate
But pushed forward by an unwavering force
A desire for change
A need for the new
A place to mend the wounds of latter battles
A place to forgive and forget
A realm of comfort previously unknown
But fatigue overcomes
Our goal seems farther than ever
And the shrill breeze of night engulfs the air

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scorching Paralysis

The cold does not possess me yet,
being still consumed by the fire
I do not take flight,
but sit, waiting

It will come to me eventually
to have hope is one thing,
but to endure is another

Endure the glances and the whispers,
the abuse of silence
the ruthless tool of the detached

But i must wait,
the choice no longer mine,
having given up discernment of my own

Resolution will be exact,
leaving them with themselves,
no longer the faults of others

but until then,
I wait in the fire